Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

Get Job from Boon Tech Freelance Marketplace That Use Cryptocurrency

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Platform-based freelancers made with the aim to bring companies together with the freelancers. You can see corporate income from freelancer platforms worldwide reaching 1 trillion. In the USA, in 2016 the procured revenue reached more than $ 715 billion. The number of freelancers continues to increase every year. The increase in the number of freelancers in different countries has various factors. Jobs as freelancers are still in high demand by most people. This type of work is also unlimited and can be tailored to the interests and areas of expertise.
Everyone has their reasons for choosing to become a freelancer. One of the advantages of freelancers is not having a formal attachment. The contract will end when the project ends. That is probably different from the concept of employee recruitment in a company. Freelancers can also be used as a source of side income. So, does not rule out a practitioner or employee of a group has a job as a freelancer at the same time.
Boon Tech is a platform that can be used as a place of transactions between companies and freelancers. This platform will be a platform that provides free services to every member who joins the network. By combining the concept of the job market and experience drawn from the previous freelancer base platform, Boon Tech will be one platform better than any other platform.
The Boon Tech company plans to provide free services to freelancers at the launch of the platform for the first time. Employers also directly obtain permission to hire freelancers who are members of the community. The entrepreneur will award the freelancers Boon Coin. The use of cryptocurrency from Boon Tech aims to inspire the participation of every freelancer and entrepreneur to be consistent by contributing to everyone. To know more information about Boon Tech, you may visit the official website at
The Basic Information About Job Marketplace
The development of a job marketplace platform requires several parties to play an essential role in the ecosystem. Each section has a critical function when operating the system. Individuals who should be involved in the platform including owners, people in business, and freelancers. Each role must be able to go hand in hand so that each party can benefit each other.
Owners have a vital role in attracting users to join the network. As the creator of the platform, the owner must convince the entrepreneur and freelancer that the purpose of platform development is to facilitate the transactions that occur between entrepreneurs and freelancers. Within the ecosystem, owners must be able to control algorithms and system behavior so users can continue to engage with the platform.
Incentive mechanisms are seen from user value extraction and user retention. Any user who is embedded within a platform must complete the profile data. The profile data entered will be data read by the company to choose the right freelancer for the type of work to be provided. Entrepreneurs in the network can hire freelancers for more projects depending on the offer made.
Entrepreneurs who are members of the network can be the people who fund the entire platform. That’s because the owner will take a cut of the amount of entrepreneurs’ money coming into the platform. As a reciprocal to entrepreneurs, the platform will provide service with an immense talent to every entrepreneur. Any funds that enter into the platform will be used to provide maximum service.
Freelancers are an essential part of the platform. Finding a job within a platform is a natural thing for a freelancer. Incentive systems from freelancers are less likely to bid on projects and get as many jobs as possible and give a smaller percentage of gains to the platform. Once the freelancer receives the plan with the entrepreneur, it is better to negotiate further beyond the platform to new save platform costs and offer costs.
Boon Tech As A Platform That Supports The Free Economy
The number of freelancers that always increase each year makes the developers continue to strive to create a platform that can be a buffer between entrepreneurs and freelancers. By 2020 it is estimated that the number of freelancers will increase by 50% of the total number of freelancers currently. Boon Tech will be one platform that supports freelance work system with participating as a service provider.
The system that runs in the ecosystem will provide the convenience of transacting between entrepreneurs and freelancers. Employers who pay for the results of freelancer work will automatically contribute to the platform. With transactions taking place within the platform, it is necessary to create a currency that can reach all people within the ecosystem. Each user can participate in the economy cryptocurrency.
Boon Tech plans to provide free services to entrepreneurs and freelancers. That is a form of appreciation of the platform to the entrepreneurs and freelancers. With a free service, it can allow employers to give a lot of work to freelancers. On the other hand, when a lot of work comes in, there will be a lot of revenue for the freelancers.
The use of platforms to do transactions will make providers give incentives to both parties. That aims to encourage community activities to be more active in its role in the freelance economy. As a freelancer will undoubtedly be different from employees, who have to work in the office. But it all depends on the agreement between the entrepreneur and the freelancer on where to work and the project work system that will be done.
The Main Principles In The Development Of Boon Tech
Any person who contributes to the business must accept the ownership of the market. The principle applied is the same as the principle at the startup company. They allocate shares at the stage of establishment. After that will do the funding round for platform development.
You need to know that capital is not just in the form of money. The time and attention given to platform building is a valuable asset. The principle of sweat equity is known as giving time and attention by developers to the development of a system that will help the community. That is difficult to find because not everyone has the same ability to provide ideas and ideas for building a platform.
All elements in the establishment of the platform are invaluable including funding, time, and attention. Without such details, a platform will never be able to stand. All elements must be complementary and continuous to be together to build an excellent platform and have benefits for its users.
Boon Tech As a Safe and Convenient Platform for Transaction
The system that runs on the platform is when a freelancer enters the platform then the person will register as a freelancer and show its availability to do work in a particular field. After registering and completing the profile then a freelancer waits until there are entrepreneurs who need services by the expertise possessed by freelancers.
Users seeking services will register as entrepreneurs. After joining the platform, the entrepreneur will contact the required freelancer according to the skills possessed by the freelancers listed in the profile. Employers can find the right freelancer through a search system that has been provided in the platform. Offers and service requests allow freelancers and entrepreneurs to interact and see an agreement.
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Boon.Tech Mobile App
The platform will provide facilities that can save money in escrow. Any agreement that occurs can be ascertained the security and seriousness of the offer. As a token of contract, the entrepreneur will give some funds to the freelancer. When there is a dispute, then the platform will provide a conflict resolution method as a solution to the problems that occur.
Boon Token is issued as a cryptocurrency. Boon Token usage can allow every user to align their interests. With the Boon, Token is expected to provide economic benefits that build the network effect of an open platform. Using cryptosystem will make every platform user have an interest to transact because it is very safe and comfortable. The use of crypto is also considered faster in completing a transaction.
Platforms with renewable systems make Boon Tech a solution to the problems experienced by freelancers and entrepreneurs. Before you join this great platform, you can join social media from Boon Tech to better understand this platform. Visit and to interact with developers and people interested in the job marketplace.
Services Available on Boon Tech Platform
Boon Tech strives to be the best freelance block platform by offering all the facilities that can provide convenience to freelancers and entrepreneurs. By reaching an agreement within the Boon Tech platform, it is expected that freelancers will find work that suits their skills. Employers may also obtain workers who are by their needs and will finish the bond when the offered job has ended. The following services can be achieved within the Boon Tech community:
1 Promise Secure Platform
Boon Tech dedicates itself as a secure platform for every freelancer and entrepreneur in transactions on the platform. The existing features also allow every entrepreneur to get a freelancer that suits the needs of the company. Each freelancer has filled in the information related to the expertise it has to facilitate the entrepreneur to find the right freelancer. Deal deals can be obtained when the freelancer agrees to do a job offered by the entrepreneur.
2 Getting Qualified Service
Every entrepreneur who is incorporated into the platform will provide a quality offer. Besides, freelancers also have to commit to giving the best job on every offer received. The quality of a good job will undoubtedly bring a high income. Therefore every user in Boon Tech must have a good commitment and dedicated.
3 Free Payment
Boon Tech plans to provide every feature in platform free. That aims for the freelancers to find the best job with high-income offerings. Entrepreneurs can offer without worrying about the costs incurred in the platform. With free payment will maximize the role of each user within the platform.
4 Award Prize
Every user on either freelancer or entrepreneur platform will be rewarded for being involved in the platform. The prizes will be distributed in the form of Boon Coins. With the awards given, it is expected that every member of the platform is more active to conduct transactions and mutually beneficial deals.
Each service provided platform provides the best features as a job marketplace. Any agreement that occurs should be mutually beneficial between the two parties involved. Boon Tech is just a middleman and service provider as well as a market that supports the loyal deal between freelancers and entrepreneurs. Boon Coin’s use of incentives aims to make every user a fairer and more inclusive outcome.
Boon Coin Development as Crypto Token Currency in Boon Tech
As a service provider platform that allows every member of the platform to gain a profitable deal, Boon Tech always strives to become the leading and best freelancer marketplace. Boon Tech is designed to overcome the obstacles in economic monetization that has been going on. Financial incentives from the cryptocurrency can be a facility for the growth of the job market platform.
Boon coin becomes the base unit in the Boon Tech platform which is the token currency crypto involved in the platform. This currency is used as payment for transactions given by entrepreneurs to freelancers. Entrepreneurs will provide payments based on activities carried out within the platform. Members have a financial incentive to spend actively and have long-term value for Boon Coin owned.
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The rewards will be given to each user involved in transactions on the platform. The use of the free market concept makes many different currencies a commodity that everyone can easily find. Determining the type of money used in each platform is very important so that the transaction can be readily identified price and payment can be done immediately.
The purpose of Boon Coin’s design in Platinum Boon Tech is to enable any payments on transactions to be more efficient and to change the economic equation. Every freelancer and entrepreneur no longer pays cognitive, financial, and opportunity costs like on a traditional platform. The contribution froms that valued by Boon Coin in the platform are transaction validation, liquidity reward and report abuse of the platform. Explained at the beginning that the service, in general, the service in Boon Tech platform is free. Only a few rare exceptional services require the use of Boon Coin to transact.
The Boon Tech platform also uses Boon Dollars that can be converted to BOON dollars at a reasonable price. Liquidity providers may purchase and sell BOON. Each user can get rewards from platforms using this blockchain. Users should be able to provide liquidity for every freelancer and entrepreneur to achieve the terms of an award. Joining the platform and the consistent do the transaction becomes the main point of every user in the platform to get the award. So everyone in the platform must continue to be active in providing and offering a service.
As a platform to facilitate every user in the platform, Boon Tech will provide the best for the transaction to reach the best deal. Boon Tech supports a freelance economy that enables everyone to work comfortably by their expertise. With direct interaction will undoubtedly reduce the miss communication that occurs so that each agreement will be a profitable transaction for all parties involved
Author meisya natalia;u=1917111;sa=summary

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